August 2021
We're back from France - but only for a few weeks. So, if you want to purchase games, maps or counters, as it indicates above, be quick. If you're in the EU and are prepared to wait, we should (Covid permitting) be able to despatch your order from France - and save you some tax and handling fees.
I teased you last month, with Ken Demyen's map for SPI's War of the Ring. Well, now you can order it so I'll share it on the hompage again.
More maps (and counters) are available in the LYG SHOP, and we've restocked with games too.
If that isn't enough, and if you want to spend your gaming dollars (pounds or euros) on bargains to be found elsewhere, then perhaps Pacific Rim's offer, exclusive to LYG Visitors, will tempt you. I believe this will only be available in August, so act quickly:

And finally...
My thanks as always to our sponsors, advertisers, contributors and visitors.