August 2017

Let's start with the bad news. Almost immediately following last month's 'call to arms' for a Vassal designer for 'Streets of Stalingrad 4', the project was pulled. I'm till not sure why but it appears there were some irreconcilable differences between the principals. My thanks to those of you that did volunteer (for Cyberboard and ZunTzu as well as Vassal) and, again, my apologies that it came to nothing.

In happier news June saw me shipping out a shed load of games for Legion Wargames. As a result, I have copies of Target For Today (as well as lots of other goodies - a good chunk of GMT titles have been added too) for sale in the LYG Shop, be sure to check it out.

I may have a new Cyberboard project on the go. I recently acquired a copy of SPI's 1971 game on the battle of Kursk and I decided I wanted to jazz the map up a little.


I especially disliked the style of the fortifications and the fact that the later Soviet fortifications appear in the earlier scenarios - so I've created three versions of the map: May, June and July. I've restyled the fortifications and added colour. They may not be everyone's cup of tea but I like them.


Whilst they have been created for printing out, I'm now inclined to build a Cyberboard gamebox around them too. And for that, I'd like to upgrade the counter graphics. You can just about make out the new style German armour units above. 
I want the armoured units to feature the predominant tank from each German division and Soviet corps. The trouble is, the game's Soviet corps are ahistorical. This is where I'm hoping someone out there can help. Do we have an Eastern Front Soviet OOB expert, familiar with this game, that could suggest a Soviet tank for each of the armoured units?
What I've also done is add the maps to the LYG Resources Page. I'm, not sure how many of you are familiar with these pages - but check them out. There are various potentially useful downloads there.

BREXIT & Our EU Friendly Shipping

Despite the UK vote to leave the European Union, our EU Friendly Shipping Service is unlikely to be affected for several years. Remember that we offer EU Friendly Shipping Service to all of our sponsors. It reduces their costs as well as saving you money related to VAT charges. Please get your favourite publisher to talk to us about how we could work with them.

And finally...

My thanks as always to our sponsors, advertisers, contributors and visitors.


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