
VASSAL is an open-source game engine which allows users to both play in real time (over a live Internet connection) and as PBeM ( via email). It runs on all platforms, and is free for personal use.

The files that are created/used for each individual game title are known as 'mods'.

Vassal is extremely popular amongst wargamers and, of all the games engines, probably has the greatest number of games supported. Creating 'mods' is more technical than for either Cyberboard or ZunTzu.

The software can be download from the VASSAL Website.

Title Publisher Author
El Gran Capitan Europa Simulazioni João Almeida
La Batille de Ligny Clash of Arms Jim Hyde
Pericles: The Peloponnesian Wars GMT Games
1792: La Patrie en Danger Cassus Belli Dave Rubin
1805: Sea of Glory GMT Games Rob Doane
1805: Sea of Glory - multiplayer GMT Games Rob Doane
1806: Rossbach Avenged Operational Studies Group Andreas E. Gebhardt
1807: The Eagles Turn East Clash of Arms John Gant
1813: Napoleon's Nemesis Europa Simulazioni Dave Jones
1866: The Struggle for Supremacy in Germany Compass Games Peter Bennett
1914, Offensive à outrance GMT Games Peter Dietrich
1914: Germany at War VentoNuovo Games
1914: Glory's End GMT Games Peter Bennett
1914: Glory's End / When Eagles Fight GMT Games Peter Bennett
1914: Offensive a outrance GMT Games Peter Dietrich
1914: Serbien Muss Sterbien GMT Games Peter Dietrich
1914: Twilight in the East GMT Games George Hayward
1914: Twilight in the East GMT Games Peter Dietrich
1936: Guerra Civil Ediciones Rotura Manuel P. Ron
1944 Battle of the Bulge Worthington Games Dave Deitch
1960: The Making of the President Z-Man Games Joel Toppen
1985: Deadly Northern Lights Thin Red Line Games
1985: Under an Iron Sky Thin Red Line Games
1989: Dawn of Freedom GMT Games Rob Doane
6 Days of Glory Clash of Arms Dave Rubin
7 Ages Australian Design Group
A Crowing Glory Against the Odds
A Distant Plain GMT Games Joel Toppen
A Gate of Hell Against the Odds Dave Jones
A Gest of Robin Hood GMT Games
A Glorious Chance Legion Wargames
A Greater Victory Revolution Games
A House Divided GDW Games
A Pragmatic War Compass Games Dave Rubin
A Splendid Little War Legion Wargames, Khyber Pass Games Stan Hilinski
A Splendid Little War (2nd Ed) Legion Wargames Tom Cundiff
A Step to Victory Quarterdeck Games Tom Cundiff
A Time for Trumpets GMT Games
A World at War GMT Games
Absolute Victory Compass Games Dave Jones
Absolute War! GMT Games
Aces of Valor Legion Wargames
Acre Simulations Publications, Inc. Phillip Weltsch
Across 5 Aprils Victory Games Stephen Oliver
Across the Narva Revolution Games Stephen Oliver
Across the Pacific Pacific Rim Publishing
Across the Potomac XTR Corp Dave Rubin
Air Cav West End Games Jamie Shanks
Air Force Avalon Hill
Air Superiority Clash of Arms


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