VASSAL is an open-source game engine which allows users to both play in real time (over a live Internet connection) and as PBeM ( via email). It runs on all platforms, and is free for personal use.
The files that are created/used for each individual game title are known as 'mods'.
Vassal is extremely popular amongst wargamers and, of all the games engines, probably has the greatest number of games supported. Creating 'mods' is more technical than for either Cyberboard or ZunTzu.
The software can be download from the VASSAL Website.
Title | Publisher | Author |
Alesia | GMT Games | Alfonso Velasco |
All Bridges Burning | GMT Games | |
All is Lost Save Honour | Europa Simulazioni | Knut Gruenitz |
All or Nothing | Against the Odds | Dave Rubin |
Almeida et Bussaco 1810 | Hexasim | Pierre Bulle |
Almoravid | GMT Games | |
Almost a Miracle | Against the Odds | Dave Jones |
Amateurs to Arms | Clash of Arms | Rob Doane |
Amateurs to Arms | Clash of Arms | Rob Doane |
Amateurs to Arms | Clash of Arms | Rob Doane |
Ancient Battles Deluxe | Victory Point Games | David Briggs |
Ancient Civilisations of the Middle East | GMT Games | |
Ancient Civilizations of the Inner Sea | GMT Games | |
Andean Abyss | GMT Games | Joel Toppen |
Antietam 1862 | Worthington Games | Dave Deitch |
Apocalypse in the East | Against the Odds | Dave Jones |
Apocalypse Road | GMT Games | |
Arctic Disaster | Against the Odds | Dave Jones |
Arctic Storm | GMT Games | Trent Garner |
Ardennes | The Gamers | Phillip Weltsch |
Ardennes '44 | GMT Games | Gary Krockover |
Ardennes '44 | GMT Games | |
Ardennes '44 (3rd Ed) - 4k monitors. | GMT Games | Phillip Weltsch |
Arminius | Turning Point Simulations | |
Armored Knights: Operation Crusader | Grognard Simulations Inc. | Antonio Pinar Peña |
Arquebus | GMT Games | |
Ascari | Acies Edizioni | |
Asia Engulfed | GMT Games | Mark Beninger |
Aspern-Essling | Victory Point Games | |
At Any Cost: Metz 1870 | GMT Games | |
At Neuve Chapelle | White Dog Games | Tom Cundiff |
Athens & Sparta | Columbia Games | Stan Hilinski |
Austerlitz 20 | Victory Point Games | Mark Beninger |
Autumn of Glory | Clash of Arms | Judd Vance |
Balance of Powers | Compass Games | Peter Bennett |
Band of Brothers | Worthington Games | |
Banish the Snakes | GMT Games | |
BAOR | ||
Baptism at Bull Run | László Á. Koller | Laszlo Koller |
Barbarian Kings | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Phillip Weltsch, Natasha Bates |
Barbarossa: Army Group Center | GMT Games | |
Barbarossa: Army Group North | GMT Games | |
Barbarossa: Army Group South | GMT Games | |
Barbarossa: Kiev to Rostov | GMT Games | |
Battle Above the Clouds | Multi-Man Publishing | Rob Doane |
Battle above the Clouds | Multi-Man Publishing | Rob Doane |
Battle for Germany | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Phillip Weltsch |
Battle for Kursk: The Tigers Are Burning, 1943 | C3i Magazine | |
Battle for Moscow | Victory Point Games | Mark Beninger |
Battle for Normandy | GMT Games | Joel Toppen, Peter Dietrich |