January, 2025

Natasha and I wish you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR! We'd like to thank you all for your support over the past year and we look forward to being of service again throughout 2025.

2024 was good for LYG. As well as new files for Cyberboard, Zun Tzu and Vassal, we also added considerably to our map and counter offerings, with a number of new and well regarded artists making their work available through us. Maps and counters are now a major part of the service we offer. Our thanks to contributors of gameboxes, modules and art.

Our sponsors always deserve a special "thank-you" for their backing - without them, I doubt LYG would be entering its 22nd year. We've also benefited from donations to support the site. I'd like to thank all that have contributed, with a special thanks to our patrons. Our map and counter customers also provide invaluable revenue so our thanks to them and especially to those that have shared such glowing testimonials.

Another major boon for us in 2024 was the move from BlueHost to Hostinger. This has allowed us to start accepting submissions again. We had to stop when BlueHost imposed capacity limits on us mid-term. However, the move to Hostinger more than doubles the capacity we had with BlueHost.

Indirectly related to the site is the fact that 2024 saw me having my second game published Gettysburg: a time for heroes (my first game was Toulon, 1793, published 20 years ago).This was a collaborative effort with my good friend Yves Roig. And today, New Years Day, it received its official BGG rating (8.9) which was a nice start to the year. My thanks to everyone that has bought the game - it seems well received. 

And finally...

My thanks as always to our sponsors, advertisers, contributors, cuastomers and visitors.


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