January 2012
Well, here it is. The promised overhaul of the website.
I want to publicly acknowledge my indebtedness and gratitude to Natasha, my daughter, who has undertaken this (at times, tedious and laborious) work. She's spent what has probably been in excess of a hundred hours creating the site and (most tedious of all) transferring the content - Cyberboard, Vassal & Zun Tzu files alone number nearly 1100.
With such a mammoth undertaking (for the most part undertaken by a single individual), there are bound to be things we've got wrong. As you explore the new layout, please use the 'Contact LYG' page to let us know if you find any problems (or to simply give us feedback).
The site will undergo further development over the coming months. Some items are missing simply due to time constraints (e.g. some of the 300 counter scans). Others are currently a technological challenge (e.g. the Top Ten Downloads and the Top 5 Contributors); we'll add these when we can and, hopefully, make them retrospective). And there are planned additional enhancements - such as the ability for you to upload content directly.
The new site is actually now driven by Drupal, an open source content management system (CMS) rather than what was predominantly html files and an Access database (for more information see www.Drupal.org). This has allowed Natasha to implement enhanced functionality that we hope you'll take advantage of. This includes the ability to:
- Add comments
- Rate Gameboxes, Game Boxes and Mods
- Make Forum entries
There are other more subtle changes that you'll discover as you explore. Many of the changes have been made following your suggestions in my blog on Consimworld or directly - so thanks for that.
Please also note that we now have a presence on Twitter (please 'Follow' us) and Facebook (please 'Like' us).
That's probably enough blabbing from me for now, as I say, have a look for yourself and see what the new site has to offer. I'll just finish by thanking all our contributors, sponsors and visitors. After all, without you we wouldn't be here and this upgrade would not have happened.
Happy New Year
Limey (& Natasha)