June 2020

What a crazy, cruel world we're all living in at the moment. My thoughts are with all of those suffering from the impact of the corona virus and with those impacted by the civil unrest in the USA. 

Despite all that is going on, we're lucky to have fellow wargamers who are continuing to create excellent mods and gameboxes to help divert us from the world's woes (ironically by focusing on the wos of the past).

Enjoy - and STAY SAFE!

BREXIT & Our EU Friendly Shipping

Despite the UK vote to leave the European Union, our EU Friendly Shipping Service is continuing for the present. Remember that we offer EU Friendly Shipping Service to all of our sponsors. It reduces their costs as well as saving you money related to VAT charges. Please get your favourite publisher to talk to us about how we could work with them.

And finally...

My thanks as always to our sponsors, advertisers, contributors and visitors.


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