September, 2023
I know a number of you have been champing at the bit, waiting for the LYG Shop to reopen so you can order counters and maps. Well, we're not open yet (sorry) but we will be fulfilling orders again from next month - so start thinking about what you'll be wanting .
After August's lull, we are happy to announce a new promotion for September, celebrating our 20th Anniversary, This time from from Against the Odds. This promotion is somewhat different to those we've had so far - as you'll see, below.
And we also have the continuing promotion from Strategemata, along with the LYG Prize Draw.
It was 20 Years Ago Today...
Well, perhaps not 'today', I'm not exactly sure which day, but 2023 is
Time passes in the blink of an eye. I originally created LYG as a project to allow me to practice my HTML. Now, 20 years later, we’re still here. We have 25 great sponsors, we host 1,200 files, we have over 15,000 users each year and our map and counter printing services are great successes.
I think all of that deserves some form off celebration and many of our sponsors agree. So…
To celebrate
20 Years of Limey Yank Games
We are having a full year of promotions and offers.
During each month of 2023, there will be at least one offer from one or more of our sponsors, as well as a prize draw, running throughout the year, from ourselves.
September's Promotions
Against the Odds are another of LYG's long-time and generous sponsors. You'll see from the above that, typical of them, they have taken a somewhat novel approach for their promotion.

LYG’s 20th Anniversary Prize Draw
As well as the promotions and offers from many of our sponsors, we are also running a Prize Draw. The draw will occur at the end of the year when the following prizes will be awarded and shipped, for free, anywhere in the world:
- A copy of Ken Demyen’s counters and map* for War of the Ring
- Any map** from our map selection
- Any three counter sheets from our counter selection.
Three names will be drawn, and these lucky winners will have the choice of the above prizes in the order drawn (i.e. the first drawn will have the choice of any one of the three prizes, the last drawn will have the one prize remaining).
How do you enter?
There are 4 ways to enter:
- All current LYG Patron’s will automatically have their name entered
- Anyone making a donation to LYG, will have their name entered once per £5 donated
- All new Patron’s will have their names entered 5 times (in addition to the donation entries – see above)
- Anyone ordering from the LYG Shop will have their name entered once per order
The Small Print
* Paper map
** Single-sheet, standard sized, folded, paper map
- Shipping will include basic (£20) insurance. Higher insurance is available at cost
- Prizes can be upgraded or even changed to another product – subject to negotiation
- All winners will be notified by 31 Jan, 2024.
- LYG’s decision on the award of prizes is final and will not be subject to appeal.
- LYG accepts no responsibility for the promotions offered. Any dispute should be taken up directly with the company offering the promotion.
And finally...
My thanks as always to our sponsors, advertisers, contributors and visitors.