November, 2021

The LYG Shop is OPEN!!!

We're travelling back to the UK from France this weekend; hence this update a day earler than usual.

The good news is that this means the LYG SHOP, closed this past couple of months, is now re-open for the sales of Maps, Counter Sheets and Games. 

And there's more good news if you're a fan of Tolkien and, especially, SPI's Battles of Middle Earth. Ken Demyen and I have been spending the last few months working on a variant covering The Battle of Helm's Deep. We expect to be making the exclusive rules available for free download later this month, along with a Vassal mod, so Watch this Space! We'll also have a map and counters available for purchase. All you'll need to play are the SPI Standard Rules. I can honestly say that I believe this to be even more enjoyable than the original two games - and much prettier.

And the final good news for this month is that Waning Crescent, Shattered Cross reached a major milestonein its development last night with alpha playtesting being completed. I now have to rework the rules, maps, card, etc., to reflect the changes, and then we can go to beta-playtesting. I expect I'll be I'll be seeking playtesters in around 4-6 weeks.

And the bad news? Well, there isn't any really.

And finally...

My thanks as always to our sponsors, advertisers, contributors and visitors.


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