February 2021
I'd like to start by thanking everyone that took advantage of our January Sale, it certainly helped to reduce the number of titles we have on offer.
But fear not, additional stock has been added this month .
Lots of new and updated files this month, just a shame it is exclusively Vassal (The ZTs showing below are not actually new, they are displayed due to a quirk of my CMS). However, Dale Larson has been posting on Consimworld about ongoing Cyberboard development - so hopefully we may see a resurgence of interest in that (my personal favourite) platform.
BREXIT & Our EU/UK Friendly Shipping
With the UK having left the European Union and the transition period ending at the end of this year, our EU Friendly Shipping Service has sadly come to an end. Despite this, we will continue to offer a UK Friendly Shipping Service to all of our sponsors. It reduces their costs as well as saving you money related to VAT charges. Please get your favourite publisher to talk to us about how we could work with them.
And finally...
My thanks as always to our sponsors, advertisers, contributors and visitors.