August 2015

Wow! That was painful" I said back in February 2014 having just recovered the site from a hard-drive failure and less than perfect backups.

Ironic then that after having had to recover the site again (again with poor backups) the recovery point should have been February 2014 and that quote should be the first thing that greets me.

If I'm honest, I thought this might have been the end of LYG. We got hit by a virus that I just couldn't shift from the server - and so I shut the site down to avoid the risk of contaminating our users' machines. I tried everything I could to eradicate the infection but to no avail - it seemed that a server rebuild would be called for - and the backups just weren't what I thought they would be. Could I face starting from scratch? Could I bear the thought that in 18-months, a year, next month, we could have another disaster?

I don't know why I was whining, the real hard-work and frustration (not least with her dad) fell on Natasha who would now have to try and sort out the mess I'd contributed too.

Being the trooper she is, she rose to the challenge. I'd already decided my home-hosting days were over so I moved to a hosting service and Tash got to work.

So, here we are on August 1st and the site will be pretty much back up to date - or darn close. There are the following files still missing due to their size (a technical issue we hope to be able to address):

  • A Thunder upon the Land
  • Balance of Power>
  • La Bataille de Coruna
  • Moscowa
  • Rebel Sabers
  • Washington's Crossing

You might also notice that you no longer have the ability to create an account or to log-in. We've disabled these facilities for the foreseable future. They allowed you to comment on files and in the forum - neither of which proved that popular (and, as a result, the forum has now gone - for good).

The cherry on the cake is that, not only are we back, but we have a new sponsor too - STRATEGEMATA. This is in no small part thanks to the prolific Peter Bennett - thanks Peter.

Strategemata Logo

We're especially excited to welcome STRATEGEMATA as they are a Polish wargame publisher and its great to be able to help our hobby cross new borders (literally in this case). STRATEGEMATA have a range of games covering the Polish Kosciuszko uprising against Russia, The Crimea and World War II - They do mail order (though this isn't immediately apparent) so check them out! Their game featuring battles from The Crimean War "Bloody Steppes of Crimea" is one of our featured games this month.

I'll close by again quoting the February 2014 update "Well, that will do for this month's update. We're still a little rough around the edges but at least WE'RE BACK!"

Oh, and just to add, If you spot any broken links, mis-attribution (or missing attibution), etc., please drop me a line.

My thanks as always to our visitors, sponsors and contributors.


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