February 2017



  • Buy 2 games and get a 3rd at HALF-PRICE (lowest priced item discounted)
Apologies for the late update this month; I've been busy welcoming the latest addition to our family. I'm now a granddad Smile. Serena Evelyn Bates entered the world at 7lb 1oz on Wednesday and went home with mum and dad yesterday afternoon. All are doing very well. Natasha, as you may know, is my daughter and the technical know-how behind this site - so I'm sure you'll join me in wishing them well.
What have we got for you this month? Well along with new and updated files, unusually with a Cyberboard emphasis, we also have a neat little app/utility from Mark Ainsworth. This will allow you to overlay transparent images on your Vassal or Cyberboard game (and I suspect it will work with ZunTzu too). Mark created it to allow PBeM players to overlay rulers, protractors, etc. on their games - I'm sure you'll come up with other imaginative uses. I've used it in the Waning Crescent, Shattered Cross playtesting to add a range-stick.


The app can be downloaded from the Resources section of the site, select the Play Aids sub-category. Or click here:

PBEM Overlays App

Talking of Waning Crescent, Shattered Cross, the game's development has continued and we now have a Short/Learning Scenario and a Solitaire Scenario, as well as the full campaign game for 2-players. 

I've also created the first in a short series of videos on the game. The first, walking through the components, is embedded below.

The next in the series is expected to showcase the solitaire version of the game. 

The addition of the solitaire rules has generated a nice boost in pre-orders - but there are still a little over 40 needed. Please do you bit here:

Pre-Order Waning Crescent, Shatterd Cross

I think that will do for this month.

BREXIT & Our EU Friendly Shipping

Despite the UK vote to leave the European Union, our EU Friendly Shipping Service is unlikely to be affected for several years. Remember that we offer EU Friendly Shipping Service to all of our sponsors. It reduces their costs as well as saving you money related to VAT charges. Please get your favourite publisher to talk to us about how we could work with them.

And finally...

My thanks as always to our sponsors, advertisers, contributors and visitors.


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