
ZunTzu is a freeware game engine for building and playing online adaptations of board games, wargames and card games. It allows users to play in real time over a live internet connection and has limited Play By EMail (PBEM) capability.

The files that are created/used for each individual game title are known as 'game boxes'.

ZunTzu is generating a loyal following, has a good number of games supported and is reputed to be extremely easy to use for creating 'game boxes'.

You can download the software from the ZunTzu website.

Visit the Zun Tzu site for documentation on creating games boxes and using ZunTzu.

Download the Zun Tzu Manual.

Title Publisher Author
Slaughterhouse Against the Odds Dave Deitch
Smolensk 20 Victory Point Games Bill Barrett
Snapshot GDW Games Rich Peterson
Soldier King GDW Games R. Peterson
Spanish Eagles Compass Games Dave Jones
Sphactirie Vae Victis
Spies Simulations Publications, Inc. MaxFin
Squad Leader 2nd Ed - BIG Avalon Hill R. Peterson
Squad Leader 2nd Ed. Avalon Hill R. Peterson
Stalingrad Avalon Hill Bill Barrett
Stalingrad ’63 Avalon Hill R. Peterson
Stalingrad: A Walk in Hell Armchair General Dave Deitch
Stamford Bridge & A Hill Near Hastings Tiny Battle Publishing T. Russell
Starship Troopers Avalon Hill R. Peterson
Strike the Bear Against the Odds Dave Deitch
Summer Lightning Lock 'N Load Publishing
Tank Attack! J. P. Fernandes J. Fernandes
Target: Leningrad Victory Point Games Bill Barrett
Tarleton's Quarter Against the Odds Dave Jones
Test of Arms GDW Games R. Peterson
The 6 Days of Glory Clash of Arms T. Gordon
The 6 Days of Glory Clash of Arms
The African Campaign Compass Games Bill Barrett
The African Campaign Jedko Games
The African Campaign Jedko Games Maaaax
The Arduoss Beginning Victory Point Games Bill Barrett
The Fall of Rome Simulations Publications, Inc. Maaaax
The Hell of Stalingrad Clash of Arms David Laufle
The Hunters Consim Press, GMT Games Bill Barrett
The Napoleonic Wars GMT Games Darren Kilfara
The US Civil War GMT Games Dave Jones
Their Finest Hour GDW Games R. Peterson
These Brave Fellows Against the Odds Dave Jones
Thirty Years War GMT Games Pokke
Tikal Ravensburger MAZ
Triumph and Glory – Borodino GMT Games S. Rugge
Triumph of Chaos Clash of Arms David Laufle
Trojan War Metagaming Concepts R. Peterson
Twilight Struggle GMT Games Pokke
Ukraine '43 2nd Edition GMT Games S. Rugge
Ukrainian Crisis Brian Train Rich Peterson
Verdun 1916 Vae Victis Provence
Victory at Midway XTR Corp Dave Deitch
Vittoria 20 Victory Point Games Bill Barrett
War and Peace 3rd Edition Avalon Hill Maaaax
War at Sea Avalon Hill Maaaax
War of the Ring (2nd Edition) Ares Games Lsferreyra
Warsaw Rising Simulations Publications, Inc., TSR Maaaax
Washington's Crossing Revolution Games Bill Barrett
Waterloo Avalon Hill Bill Barrett


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