ZunTzu is a freeware game engine for building and playing online adaptations of board games, wargames and card games. It allows users to play in real time over a live internet connection and has limited Play By EMail (PBEM) capability.
The files that are created/used for each individual game title are known as 'game boxes'.
ZunTzu is generating a loyal following, has a good number of games supported and is reputed to be extremely easy to use for creating 'game boxes'.
You can download the software from the ZunTzu website.
Visit the Zun Tzu site for documentation on creating games boxes and using ZunTzu.
Download the Zun Tzu Manual.
Title | Publisher | Author |
No Retreat! | Victory Point Games | |
Objective: Kiev | Victory Point Games | Bill Barrett |
On to Paris! | Compass Games | Dave Jones |
Onslaught | TSR | BGGames01 |
Operation Apocalypse | Vae Victis | Provence |
Operation Michael | Multi-Man Publishing | Dave Deitch |
Operation Veritable | Victory Point Games | Bill Barrett |
Operation Veritable | Victory Point Games | Bill Barrett |
Orel | Vae Victis | |
Orri's Storm | Saxon Games | Norman Smith |
Pandemic - in Spanish | Z-Man Games | Zuntzuniacos |
Panzer Blitz | Avalon Hill | Paul Myers |
Panzer Leader | Avalon Hill | Anon. |
Panzer Leader | Avalon Hill | Anon. |
Panzerarmee Afrika | Avalon Hill | MaxFin |
PanzerBlitz | Avalon Hill | Andrew |
Paths of Glory | GMT Games | Anon. |
Patton's Best | Avalon Hill | Gary Krockover |
Paul Koenig's D-Day: American Beaches | Victory Point Games | Bill Barrett |
Paul Koenig's D-Day: Canadian Beach | Victory Point Games | Bill Barrett |
Paul Koenig's Market Garden: Arnhem | Victory Point Games | Bill Barrett |
Paul Koenig's Market Garden: Arnhem | Victory Point Games | |
Paul Koenig's Market Garden: Eindhoven | Victory Point Games | |
Pegasus Bridge | World Wide Wargames | MaxFin |
Pieges Galactiques | Jeux et Stratégie | Provence |
Pocket Battles: Celts vs Romans | Z-Man Games | Balif |
Poker V2 | ZunTzu | Jerome |
Prague | GDW Games | R. Peterson |
Quatre Bras 1815 - 1st ed | Laurent Gary | Laurent Gary |
Race for Berlin | Battles Magazine | |
Rage Against the Marines | Multi-Man Publishing | Gary Krockover |
Raid on Saint Nazaire | Avalon Hill | MaxFin |
Rattus | White Goblin Games | R. Peterson |
Red Devils PLUS | Simulations Publications, Inc. | F. Jordan |
Red Dragon, Blue Dragon | GMT Games | Dave Jones |
Reds! | GMT Games | Provence |
Remember Gordon | Phoenix Enterprises | Iaax |
Right Fierce & Terrible | Against the Odds | Dave Jones |
Road to Richmond | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Dave Deitch |
Road to Richmond | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Frank Jordan |
Rome IInc. | Against the Odds | Edgar Gallego |
Rome Inc. | ||
Sadowa | Turning Point Simulations | Dave Jones |
Salerno '43 | GMT Games | F. Jordan |
Schongraben | Canons En Carton | Christian Merle |
Senlac Hill | Saxon Games | Norman Smith |
Settlers of Catan, the | KOSMOS | MAZ |
Sicily '43 | ||
Singapore | Simulations Publications, Inc., TSR | Frank Jordan |
Skirmish | Milton Bradley | F. Jordan |