
ZunTzu is a freeware game engine for building and playing online adaptations of board games, wargames and card games. It allows users to play in real time over a live internet connection and has limited Play By EMail (PBEM) capability.

The files that are created/used for each individual game title are known as 'game boxes'.

ZunTzu is generating a loyal following, has a good number of games supported and is reputed to be extremely easy to use for creating 'game boxes'.

You can download the software from the ZunTzu website.

Visit the Zun Tzu site for documentation on creating games boxes and using ZunTzu.

Download the Zun Tzu Manual.

Title Publisher Author
Bushy Run Multi-Man Publishing S. Rugge
Bussaco 20 Victory Games Bill Barrett
Campaigns of Marlborough World Wide Wargames S. Rugge
Caporetto, 1917 Europa Simulazioni
Case White (1st Ed. Big Hex version) GDW Games R. Peterson
Case White (1st Ed.) GDW Games R. Peterson
Castle Panic Fireside Games
Cats v Dogs Chris Hansen Rich Peterson
Cedar Mountain Simulations Publications, Inc. S. Rugge
Celles Revolution Games
Chaco GDW Games R. Peterson
Chancellorsville Avalon Hill Jerry Todd
Charlemagne Hollandspiele E Gallego
Chess ZunTzu Jerome
Circle of Fire Against the Odds
Civil War, The Victory Games Anon.
Civilization Avalon Hill
Codeword Barabarossa Against the Odds Dave Deitch
Cold War Victory Games BGGames01
Conflict of Heroes Panther Games Gary Krockover
Conquest of the Empire Milton Bradley F. Jordan
Conquest of the Fallen Lands ASSA Games Burago
Constantinople Simulations Publications, Inc.
Coral Sea
Coral Sea GDW Games R. Peterson
Coup d Etat Parker Brothers F. Jordan
Crimean War Quad Simulations Publications, Inc. Frank Jordan
Cromwell's Victory: The Battle of Marston Moor TSR S. Rugge
Custer’s Luck World Wide Wargames S. Rugge
D-Day Avalon Hill F. Jordan
D-Day Avalon Hill Bill Barrett
Dark Nebula GDW Games Rich Peterson
Dark Nebula GDW Games Jerry Todd
Day of Heroes Lock 'N Load Publishing Gary Krockover
Desert Fox Simulations Publications, Inc. Maaaax
Desert Fox Simulations Publications, Inc. S. Rugge
Desert War Simulations Publications, Inc. Dave Deitch
Dien Bien Phu Simulations Design Corporation Frank Jordan
Dixie Simulations Publications, Inc. S. Rugge
Dragon Rage Dwarf Star R. Peterson
Durrenstein and Schongraben Canons En Carton S. Rugge
Europe Engulfed GMT Games Dave Deitch
Eylau 1807 Vae Victis
Fatal Alliances III Compass Games Dave Jones
Field Commander: Napoleon Dan Verssen Games S. Rugge
Fifth Frontier War GDW Games Rich Peterson
Firefight Simulations Publications, Inc. Maaaax
First Strike Schutze Games John Kantor
First World War Panther Games Daryl Anderson
Fontenoy Clash of Arms Dave Jones


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