Cyberboard is a Windows game engine, created by Dale Larson, for building and playing online adaptations of board games and wargames via Play By EMail (PBEM). Though not free-ware, it is currently free for personal use.
The files that are created/used for each individual game title are known as 'gameboxes'.
Cyberboard is very popular amongst wargamers for PBEM and, of all the games engines, has the greatest number of games supported om Limey Yank Games (it was, afterall, the system that LYG was originally setup to support). Creating 'gameboxes' is more involved than for ZunTzu, but less technical than for Vassal.
Download the software from the Cyberboard website.
Private Wars provides useful documentation on creating gameboxes and playing with Cyberboard.
Title | Publisher | Author |
Drive on Stalingrad | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Karoly Szigetvari |
Drive on Stalingrad | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Mal Atherton |
Drive on Washington | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Greg Laubach |
Drive on Washington | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Jim Anderson |
Druid | West End Games | Fritz Briggs |
Duel of Ages | Venatic Games | Wade Evans |
Dunbar | TCS Games | Craig Thompson |
Dune | Avalon Hill | Peter Cobcroft |
Durchbruch | Acies Edizioni | Pierre Bulle |
Dynamo | World Wide Wargames | Andy Loakes |
Dynamo: Dunkirk, 1940 | World Wide Wargames | Mal Atherton |
East Wind Rain | World Wide Wargames | Karoly Szigetvari |
Eben Emael | Simulations Publications, Inc. | PPSH |
Edgehill | TCS Games | Craig Thompson |
Elusive Victory | GMT Games | Terry Simo |
Embrace An Angry Wind | The Gamers | Stefano Ricatti, Andre van Gils |
Empire of the Sun | GMT Games | Jim Anderson |
Empires at War | Decision Games | Howard Divins |
Empires in Arms | Avalon Hill | Land, John Staunton, Fiig |
Empires in Arms | Avalon Hill | Land |
Empires in Arms | Avalon Hill | Andreas Orlyng |
Empires of the Middle Ages | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Yasuto Sugano |
End of Empire | XTR Corp | Mal Atherton |
Epic of the Peloponnesian War | Clash of Arms | Mark Jones, Paul Jones, Andy Loakes |
Europa Universalis 8 | Daryl Anderson | |
Europe Engulfed | GMT Games | Troy Nordine, Andrew Harding |
Extractor | Karoly Szigetvari | Karoly Szigetvari |
Eylau | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Mal Atherton |
Eylau (3W) | World Wide Wargames | Mal Atherton |
Eylau (SPI) | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Yasuto Sugano |
Fallen Eagle | World Wide Wargames | Howard Divins |
Feudal | 3M | Curt Cilia |
Fifth Corps | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Peter Dietrich |
Fight on the Beaches | World Wide Wargames | Paul Kantro |
Fighting Sail | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Howard Divins |
Fire in the East & Scorched Earth | GDW Games | Donald Lazov |
Fire Next Time | XTR Corp | Daryl Anderson |
Fire When Ready | Metagaming Concepts | Mal Atherton |
Firefight | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Jeff Fisher |
First Afghan War | Decision Games | Daryl Anderson |
First Arab-Israeli War | Noel Wright | |
First Battle of Britain | Decision Games | Daryl Anderson |
First Blood | The Avalon Hill Intercontinental Kriegspiel Society | Jeffery Kuhn |
First Blood: Second Marne | Decision Games | Daryl Anderson |
First World War | Phalanx Games | Daryl Anderson |
Flat Top | Avalon Hill | Chris Perleberg |
Flat Top | Avalon Hill | Guillem |
Fleets 2025 | Victory Point Games | Joel Langenfeld, Bob Lecuyer |
Flight Leader | Avalon Hill | Paul Myers |
Fontenoy | Clash of Arms | Dave Jones, Karoly Szigetvari |