Cyberboard is a Windows game engine, created by Dale Larson, for building and playing online adaptations of board games and wargames via Play By EMail (PBEM). Though not free-ware, it is currently free for personal use.
The files that are created/used for each individual game title are known as 'gameboxes'.
Cyberboard is very popular amongst wargamers for PBEM and, of all the games engines, has the greatest number of games supported om Limey Yank Games (it was, afterall, the system that LYG was originally setup to support). Creating 'gameboxes' is more involved than for ZunTzu, but less technical than for Vassal.
Download the software from the Cyberboard website.
Private Wars provides useful documentation on creating gameboxes and playing with Cyberboard.
Title | Publisher | Author |
Blood & Thunder | GDW Games | Paul Kantro |
Blood on the Tigris | Decision Games | Daryl Anderson |
Blood on the Tigris | Decision Games | Mal Atherton |
Blood on the Tigris | Decision Games | Daryl Anderson |
Bloodbath at the Sakarya | Perry Moore Games | Daryl Anderson |
Bloodtree Rebellion | GDW Games | Keith Tracton |
Bloodtree Rebellion | GDW Games | Paul Myers |
Bloodtree Rebellion | GDW Games | |
Bloodtree Rebellion | GDW Games | Paul Myers |
Bloody April | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Greg Laubach |
Bloody April | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Hay Quarles |
Bloody Buna | World Wide Wargames | Mal Atherton |
Bloody Buna | Mal Atherton | |
Bloody Kasserine | GDW Games | Paul Kantro, Skip Franklin |
Bloody Kasserine | GDW Games | Phillip Weltsch |
Bloody Ridge | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Mal Atherton |
Bloody Roads South | The Gamers | Andre van Gils |
Blue & Gray Plus | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Howard Divins |
Blue & Gray: Antietam | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Mal Atherton |
Blue & Gray: Battle of the Wilderness | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Mal Atherton |
Blue & Gray: Bull Run | Decision Games | Mal Atherton |
Blue & Gray: Bull Run | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Mal Atherton |
Blue & Gray: Cemetery Hill | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Mal Atherton |
Blue & Gray: Cemetry Hill | Decision Games | Mal Atherton |
Blue & Gray: Chattanooga | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Mal Atherton |
Blue & Gray: Chickamauga | Decision Games | Mal Atherton |
Blue & Gray: Chickamauga | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Mal Atherton |
Blue & Gray: Fredericksburg | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Mal Atherton |
Blue & Gray: Hooker & Lee | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Mal Atherton |
Blue & Gray: Road to Richmond | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Mal Atherton |
Blue & Gray: Road to Vicksburg | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Mal Atherton |
Blue & Gray: Shiloh | Decision Games | Mal Atherton |
Blue & Gray: Shiloh | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Mal Atherton |
Bobby Lee | Columbia Games | Pierre Bulle |
Bomber | Yaquinto | Chris Perleberg |
Bonaparte in Italy | Operational Studies Group | Kirk Widener, Andy Loakes |
Bonaparte in Italy | Operational Studies Group | Stefano Ricatti, Daniel Claude |
Boot Hill | TSR | Paul Kantro |
Borodino | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Mal Atherton |
Borodino (GMT) | GMT Games | Pierre Bulle |
Borodino (SPI) | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Howard Divins |
Borodino 20 | Victory Point Games | Bob Lecuyer |
Borodino: Clash of the Eagles | Decision Games | Mal Atherton |
Boudicca | Against the Odds | Reynold Stockwell |
Braccio da Montone | Acies Edizioni | |
Brandywine | GMT Games | Randy Mauldin |
Breitenfeld | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Noel Wright |
Bresslau 1945 | Perry Moore Games | Paul Kantro |
Brothers by my Side | Armchair General | Daryl Anderson |
Budapest | Decision Games | Mal Atherton |