Cyberboard is a Windows game engine, created by Dale Larson, for building and playing online adaptations of board games and wargames via Play By EMail (PBEM). Though not free-ware, it is currently free for personal use.
The files that are created/used for each individual game title are known as 'gameboxes'.
Cyberboard is very popular amongst wargamers for PBEM and, of all the games engines, has the greatest number of games supported om Limey Yank Games (it was, afterall, the system that LYG was originally setup to support). Creating 'gameboxes' is more involved than for ZunTzu, but less technical than for Vassal.
Download the software from the Cyberboard website.
Private Wars provides useful documentation on creating gameboxes and playing with Cyberboard.
Title | Publisher | Author |
Afrika Korps | Avalon Hill | Shin Obara, Sam Hart |
After The Holocaust | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Chris Fawcett, Chris Dodd |
Against the Reich | West End Games | Paul Loong |
Age of Bismarck | Fog of War Publications | Dave Rubin |
Age of Napoleon | Phalanx Games | Michael Mandelberg |
Age of Napoleon | Phalanx Games | Milton Soong |
Age of Renaissance | Avalon Hill, Descartes Editeur | Patrick Menard |
Agincourt | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Hay Quarles |
Air Assault on Crete | Avalon Hill | Howard Divins |
Air Bridge to Victory | GMT Games | Christer Karlsson |
Air Bridge to Victory | GMT Games | Randy Lein |
Air Cav | West End Games | Jamie Shanks |
Air War (non-anglosized) | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Poteto |
Alamo | Decision Games | Daryl Anderson |
Albion | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Stewart Newman |
Albion 20 | Victory Point Games | Bob Lecuyer |
Albuera and Vittoria | World Wide Wargames | Mal Atherton |
Alexander at Tyre | Thunderhaven Game Co. | Karoly Szigetvari |
Alexius | The Perfect Captain | Daryl Anderson |
Allenby | Schutze Games | Daryl Anderson |
Alma | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Yasuto Sugano |
Amateurs to Arms | Clash of Arms | Dave Jones |
Ambush! (Series) | Victory Games | Jeff Fisher |
American Civil War | TSR | Mal Atherton |
American Civil War | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Howard Divins |
American Megafauna | Sierra Madre Games | Karoly Szigetvari |
American Revolution | Simulations Publications, Inc. | Mal Atherton |
An Loc | Against the Odds | Daryl Anderson |
Ancient Battles Deluxe | Victory Point Games | Bob Lecuyer |
Ancient Empires | Steven Mathers | Daryl Anderson |
Ancient Wars | Decision Games | Mal Atherton, Roland Ezio |
Ancients | George Manousakis | |
Ancients | Alejandro Cobo | |
Ancients: Part 1 | George Manousakis | |
Ancients: Part 2 | George Manousakis | |
Ancients: Thapos & Alexandria | Game Publications Group, One Small Step | Howard Divins |
Angola | Decision Games | Noel Wright, Gerhard Meyer |
Antietam: Burnished Rows of Steel | XTR Corp | Dave Rubin |
Anzio | Avalon Hill | Coen van Antwerpen |
Anzio | Avalon Hill | Tom Olesson |
Anzio | Avalon Hill | Manuel P. Ron |
Anzio (WDG) | White Dog Games | Paul Kantro |
Anzio Beachhead | World Wide Wargames | Mal Atherton |
Anzio II (WDG) | White Dog Games | Paul Kantro |
Anzio: Sicily | Avalon Hill | Michael Wilding |
April's Harvest | The Gamers | Stefano Ricatti |
Arab Israeli Wars | Avalon Hill | Paul Jones |
Arab Israeli Wars | Avalon Hill | Howard Divins |
Arctic Storm | GMT Games | Karoly Szigetvari |
Ardennes '44 | GMT Games | Jim Anderson, Skip Franklin |