Die Cut Counter Showroom


The LYG Shop will be closed for the summer, as we once again head off to our home in France. We will take orders throughout the summer, but will not be able to fulfil them from:

6 April - 15 September
(As a further encouragement, due to the rising price of raw materials,
a price increase is 'likely' in September)

That is only a little over a month away, and  we will not be able to cope with high demand at the last minute. So, to avoid disappointment (or, at least a wait), get those orders in ASAP please.


We are now also  offering ALL countersheets uncut & unmounted (with or without
cut-lines), printed on adhesive sheets. These are priced at £5 for a double-sided pair (£6 Premium) and £3 for a single-sheet (£3.50 Premium).

Non-standard sizes are also available - price on application.



We now have a Premium Counter offering. This uses heavier stock paper (120 gsm rather than the standard 60-80 gsm). It results in a thicker counter and more vibrant colours.
Premium Counter cost an extra £1 per sheet for double sided counters and an extra £0.50 for a single-sided sheet.  Note that with the special paper used, the ink sits on top of the paper and it is possible to scratch it is not handled with 'reasonable' care. Be warned, I've had a report that counter clippers can chip Premium counters, though I have personally clipped them without issue using nail clippers.

Click Here for a lo-res comparison image.

Here we list all of the die-cut counters we produce 'On Demand'.


  1. All counters are printed on matte paper using an inkjet printer. The finish may be different to the original game. 
  2. Standard counters are c.1.2mm thick
  3. Packages are insured to £20 (or value of goods, whichever lower) unless you request otherwise. Insurance is your responsibility.

Basic Pricing  is as follows:

Full Sheet: £12.50
Half Sheet: £7.00 

Full Sheet: £10.50
Half Sheet: £6.00 

Quantity of counters (full/half sheet)
Sheet Size 1/2" (240/120) 5/8"(160/80) 3/4"(112/56) 1" x 1/2"(120/60) Mixed (Variable)

We  offer counters from a number designers. Click on the link to visit the relevant section of the showroom

Whilst we don't warrant the artist's work, we will reasonably cooperate if issues are found.
See some unsolicited TESTIMONIALS
To Order
If you're interested in making a purchase, then drop me a line at andy.r.loakes@gmail.com and I can confirm price including postage.
I've also created a series of videos describing the production method - to allow you to do it yourself if you're so inclined. The videos are available as part of the Limey Yank Games Youtube Channel - and they are also available in the new Die Cutting section of this site. Note, however, that self-adhesive sheets are now used, rather than spray adhesive.

Counters by Limey Yank Games (Andy Loakes)

Double Sided


Art of Siege Quad, The -- SPI £61.00

I've taken the liberty of removing the infantry icons and using 'Wellington's Victory' inspired 'crossed-belts' for Lille and Sevastapo;l I've also added portraits of the commanders and engineers. There are also some graphical additions and other 'improvements' (hopefully) to Cre and Tyre.

  • Acre (1 double-sided, 1 single-sided + 2 Rangefinders) £23.50 
    Acre    AcreDtl"
  • Lille (1 double-sided, 1 single-sided + 2 Rangefinders) £23.50
    Lille1    Lille2    LilleDtl
  • Sevastopol (1 sheet)  £12.50  
    Sevastopol   Sevastopol Detail
  • Tyre (1 sheet) £12.50 
    Tyre   Tyre Detail

Crimean War Battles Quad (4 x 1/2 sheets) -- SPI --- £26  

These are presented in the 'Wellington's Victory/Ney vs Wellington style and incorporate the known counter errata. The counters for the individual games are also available individually:

  • Alma £7.00
    Alma   Alma Detail
  • Balaclava £7.00
    Balaclava  Balaclava Detail
  • Inkerman £7.00
    Inkerman  Inkerman Detail
  • Tchernaya River £7.00
    Tcher Markers Tcher Detail

HellFire Pass (1/2 Sheet) -- 3W --- £7  

  HFP  HFP Detail

I've reworked the palette on these to make them more 'desert-like'. I've also increased the fonts and generally made them mor legible - the originals (especially the British) were very hard to read. I've also incorporate the small amount of errata I've been able to find.

Hell's Highway Markers (1 Sheet) -- Victory Games --- £12.50

  HH Markers  HH Markers Detail

These are intended to complement the Hell's Highway counters designed by Chris Fawcett & Kerry Anderson. Their counters are great replacements for the 'hard to read' Victory Games' originals. However, they don't include the markers (I've actually added a few bridge markers to Chris & Kerry's counter now, as I'm told some of the scenarios had too few bridges in the Victory Games version of the counters). So, if you have the original game, you'll probably find its markers perfectly serviceable and you probably don't need my version.

Minuteman (2 Sheets) -- SPI --- £25 (NEW - February)

  Minuteman 1  Minuteman 2  Minuteman Detail

These are a total redesign of the Minuteman counters. The originals are (IMHO) rather dull and these replacements are intended to add fun and a certain pizzazz. Do also check out the version of the counters created by Kerry Anderson.

Operation Typhoon (4 sheets) -- SPI --- £50

Ty 1  Ty 2  Ty 3  Ty 4  Ty Detail 

These are a close replication of the original SPI counters. 

Also available with Soviets in brown (rather than red)

Ty 1  Ty 2  Ty 3B  Ty 4B  Ty Detail 

Pollard Markers --- £Various 

Full Pollard Half Pollard

Full-pollard (four-figure) and half-pollard (two-figure) markers available as white text on a black background, or black text on a white background. Available in full or half sheets, and single-sided or double-sided. Prices are as follows (black background/white background):

Full Sheet - Single £9.50/£9.00 Double £11.50/£11.00
Half Sheet - Single £5.50/£5.00 Double £6.50/£6.00

Full-pollard faces show 1,2,3 & 4, or 5,6,7 & 8.
Half-pollard faces show 1 & 2 or 3 & 4

Other permutations/colours available on request.

Sauron (1/2 Sheet) -- SPI --- £7.00

Sauron Sauron Detail

These are fairly faithful to the original counters, but with a couple of improvements. Firstly, a number of additional Forces of Sauron counters are included to allow players to experiment with improving the play balance. Secondly, additional counters have been added to support the variant found here: Spotlight on Games and, finally the reverse of the counters have white lines added to help distinguish from the 'full strength' fronts. 120 counters (no blanks).

Siege of Constantinople, The - Naval Variant (1/4 Sheet) -- SPI --- £5.00

SConst Const Detail

These come with both watermarked counters with a larger font than SPI's originals AND counters without a watermark with a font the same size as the SPI originals - you can then choose the set you prefer to use. 

Richard Berg's rules for the variant are downloadable from the Resources page of this site.

Siege of Constantinople, The - Naval Variant (1/4 Sheet)(no watermark) -- SPI --- £5.00 

SConst Const Detail

These come with both counters with a larger font than SPI's originals AND counters with a font the same size as the SPI originals - you can then choose the set you prefer to use.

Richard Berg's rules for the variant are downloadable from the Resources page of this site.

Swords & Sorcery (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £25.00  

Swords and Sorcery 1 Swords and Sorcery 2 Swords and Sorcery Detail

These are fairly faithful to the original counters, but with a couple of improvements. Firstly, character counters with images have been added (as well as the original counters) and, secondly, the official errata from December 1978 has been incorporated.

USN (2 sheets) -- SPI ---- £24.00 (NEW - February)

USN USN 2 USN Detail

I found the originals too bland for my taste and so I've added ship and aircraft silhouettes and some othe improvements, including the addition of Task Force markers to reduce stacking. These double sided counters have a coloured reverse, with land units marked 'Garrison' to better implement the game's 'inverted' rule.

See also USN Single-Sided counters above.

Single Sided


"Chicago Chicago!" - Deluxe -- SPI --- £10.50

Chicago Chicago Detail

I've called this the 'Deluxe' set as, not only are the counters now die-cut, they are 5/8" die-cut counters - and feature images from the actual demonstration/police riot.

Due to being oversized, you'll also want to download the 'Deluxe "Chicago Chicago!" Map' - available in the Resources section of this site. The map is designed to fit on a single A3 sheet of paper/card.160 Single-sided counters (inc. blanks).

Crete (S&T 18) Anzio Beachhead (S&T 20) -- SPI ---- £10.50

CreteAnzio CreteAnzio Detail

Neither of these titles originally had die-cut counters. I've generally recreated the original images but have made some cosmetic changes and have taken the opportunity to add a few additional counters too. 

The cosmetic changes are such things as enlarging the font, adding aircraft silhouettes, etc. There are no changes to unit values. These are single sided and available as a combined set. 240 single-sided counters (inc. blanks).

Dreadnought Smoke Screen -- SPI ---- £10.50

DNS DNS Detail

These are for iuse with the Dreadnought 'Smoke' optional rule and are a more attractive alternative to simply flipping counters to their blank reverse side. They can be used with the original counters or John Edwards replacements offered below.

Mayday -- GDW ---- £10.50

Mayday Mayday Detail 

USN (2 sheets) -- SPI ---- £21.00 (NEW - February)

USN USN 2 USN Detail

I found the originals too bland for my taste and so I've added ship and aircraft silhouettes and some othe improvements, including the addition of Task Force markers to reduce stacking.

See also USN Double-Sided counters above.

Year of the Rat (S&T 35) -- SPI ---- £11.50  

Year of the Rat Year of the Rat Detail

This counter set includes counters for the Joseph Miranda variant - the rules of which are available in the Resouces page of this site.



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Counters by Chris Fawcett & Kerry Anderson

To Order
If you're interested in making a purchase, then drop me a line at andy.r.loakes@gmail.com and I can confirm price including postage.

Double Sided


  • Hell's Highway (2 sheets) -- Victory Games -- £25
    HH 1 HH 2 HH Detail

    You'll also find complementary Markers in the Limey Yank Games section of this page.


  • Russian Civil War -- SPI -- £12.50

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Counters by Ken Deymen

To Order
If you're interested in making a purchase, then drop me a line at andy.r.loakes@gmail.com and I can confirm price including postage.

Double Sided


  • Edward at Bannockburn (Robert at Bannockburn variant) (1 sheet) -- SPI --- £12.50
  • Field of Celebrant (1.25 sheet) (1/4 sheet is 5/8") (Also available in 5/8" and 3/4") -- KD/LYG --- £17.50 
    Celebrant Celeb ReinfCeleb Dtl
  • Field of Celebrant Map -- visit the Map Showroom for prices 
    Celebrant Map 
  • Fords of Isen Rules can be downloaded from the Resources page.
  • Fords of Isen/Helm's Deep (1 sheet) -- KD/LYG --- £12.50
    Helm's Deep Helms Deep Dtl
  • Fords of Isen Map -- visit the Map Showroom for prices.
    Fords of Isen Map 
  • Gondor -- SPI --- £12.50
    Gondor Gondor Dtl
  • Gondor Supplementary (1/2 sheet + 2 cards; for use with revised map) --- £7.50
     Gondor Supplement DtlGondor Supplement Sheets 
  • Gondor Map (printed) -- visit the Map Showroom for prices.
    Gondor Map
  • Helms Deep Rules can be downloaded from the Resources page.
  • Helm's Deep/Fords of Isen (1 sheet) -- KD/LYG --- £12.50
    Helm's Deep Helms Deep Dtl
  • Helm's Deep Map -- visit the Map Showroom for prices.
    Helm's Deep Map 
  • Robert at Bannockburn (1 sheet) -- SPI --- £12.50
    Rob @ Bannockburn SRo at Bannockburn Dtl
  • Robert at Bannockburn Map -- visit the Map Showroom for prices.
    Bannockburn map
  • Sauron (1/2 sheet) & Card -- SPI --- £7.50 
    SauronKen SauronKen DtlSauron Magic
  • Sauron Map -- visit the Map Showroom for prices. 
    Sauron Map   
  • War of the Ring (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £25
    WotR 1 WotR 2 WotR Detail
  • War of the Ring Map -- SPI -- visit the Map Showroom for prices. 
    Sauron Map


  • Field of Celebrant 1.75 sheets) (inc. 1/4 sheet of 5/8") (Also available in 1/2" and 3/4") -- KD/LYG --- £24.50 
    Celeb 58 1 Celeb 58 2 Celeb 58 Detail
  • Field of Celebrant Map -- visit the Map Showroom for prices 
    Celebrant Map 
  • Field of Celebrant (2.25 sheets) (1/4 sheet is 5/8") (Also available in 1/2" and 5/8") -- KD/LYG --- £30.00 
    Celeb 1  Celeb 2  Cel Reinf  Celeb Dtl
  • Field of Celebrant Map -- visit the Map Showroom for prices  
    Celebrant Map 


Single Sided


    • Musket & Pike (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £21
      M&P Blue  M&P Green  M&P Dtl
    • Musket & Pike Map (printed) -- visit the Map Showroom for prices. 
      M&P Map
  • War of the Ring (3 sheets) -- ARES --- £31.50 
    These are 3/4" counters to replace/complement the original game's platic components. Includes 'Warriors, Lords & Kings' exp. Compatible with original (& new) map.
    WotRAres1  WotRAres2  WotRAres 3  WotRAres Dtl
  • War of the Ring Map  -- ARES -- visit the Map Showroom for prices.
    WotR Map
    This oversized map is compatible with original plastic component or the new counters.

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Counters by Kerry Anderson & Friends

We intend to offer almost all of Kerry's 1/2", 5/8" and 1"x1/2" (though not his his 9/16" counters). Initially, however, the ones we are listing are those that follow (as these require no reformatting for our dies). If you are aware of other counters, in the sizes, that Kerry has done, then feel free to reach out to us even if they are not listed (we will list them eventually).

Some of these counters are collaborative efforts between Kerry and Ken Demyen, or Kerry and Chris Fawcett  .

To Order
If you're interested in making a purchase, then drop me a line at andy.r.loakes@gmail.com and I can confirm price including postage.

Double Sided


      • Anzio (2 sheets) -- TAHGC --- £25
        Anzio1 Anzio2 Anzio Detail
      • Afrika Korps (1/2 sheet) -- AHGC --- £7.00
        AK AK Detail
      • Army Group South Quad (4 sheets) -- SPI --- £50
        AGS Korsun  AGS Kiev  AGS Op Star  AGS Rostov  AGS Detail
      • Battle for Stalingrad -- SPI --- £37.5
        BfS 1 BfS 2 BfS 3 BfS Detail
      • Berlin '85 -- SPI --- £12.50  
        Berlin 85  Berlin 85 Detail
      • Berlin '85 Operation Stoss -- SPI/Variant --- £12.50  
        Berlin 85 Op. Stoss  Berlin 85 Op Stoss Detail
      • Belleau Wood (1.5 sheets) -- HA --- £20
        Bell Wds 1 Bell Wds 2 Bell Wds Detail
      • Blue & Gray I (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £25
      • Blue & Grey II (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £25
        BG II 1 BG II 2 BG II Detail
      • Bonaparte in Italy - 1st Edition (1 1/2 sheets) -- OSG --- £20
        BonIt1 BonIt 2 BonIt Dtl
      • Battle for Cassino, The  -- SPI --- £12.50
      • Central Front Variant (6 sheets) -- SPI ---- £75  (Note: These are not the counters as published. These align the TSR counters with the SPI ones and update the OoB see: http://talk.consimworld.com/WebX/.ee6d04b/4163
        CFS1  CFS2  CFS3  CFS4  CFS5  CFS6  CFS Detail
      • Citadel (2 sheets) -- GDW --- £25
        Cit1 Cit2 CitDtl
      • Crimean War Battles (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £25
      • Drive on Stalingrad (3 sheets) -- SPI --- £37.50 (NEW - February)
      • Fifth Corps -- SPI --- £12.50
        5th Corps 5th Corps Detail
      • Fords of Isen Rules can be downloaded from the Resources page.
      • Fords of Isen/Helm's Deep (1 sheet) -- KD/LYG --- £12.50
        Helm's Deep Helms Deep Dtl
      • Fulda Gap (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £25
        FG2 FG FG Dtl
      • Gallipoli: The Dardanelles Campaign (2.5 sheets) -- PWG--- £31.50 
        Gal 1  Gal 2  Gal 3  G Dtl
      • GBACW Markers -- SPI --- £10.50 
        GBACW GBACW Detail
      • Gondor -- SPI --- £12.50  
        Gondor Gondor Dtl
      • Gondor Supplementary (1/2 sheet + 2 cards; for use with revised map) --- £7.50 
         Gondor Supplement Gondor Supplement DtlGondor Supplement Sheets 
      • Great Medieval Battles Quad (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £25
      • Hell's Highway (2 sheets) -- Victory Games -- £25
        HH 1 HH 2 HH Detail

        You'll also find complementary Markers in the Limey Yank Games section of this page.
      • Helm's Deep (1 sheet) -- KD/LYG --- £12.50
        Helms Deep Rules can be downloaded from the Resources page. 
      • Helm's Deep Helms Deep Dtl
      • Invasion America (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £25  
        InvAm 1 InvAm 2 InvAm Detail 
      • Island War Quad (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £25
        Island Quad 1 Island Quad 2 Island Quad Detail 
      • Jackson at the Crossroads - Corinth  (2 sheets)-- SPI --- £25
        JatC 1 JatC 2 JatC Detail
      • Kaiser's Battle, The -- SPI --- £12.50
      • Kaisersclacht, 1918  (3 sheets) -- S&G --- £37.50
        KS 1 KS 2 JKS 3 KS Detail
      • Kursk -- SPI --- £12.50
        Kursk Kursk Detail
      • Last Victory, The (5 sheets) -- COA --- £62.50
        TLV 1 TLV 2 TLV 3 TLV 4 TLV 5 TLV Detail
      • Lawrence of Arabia (1 sheet) -- 3W --- £12.50
        Lawrence Lawrence Detail
      • Mech War '77 (2 sheets)-- SPI --- £25
        MW77 1 MW77 2 MW77 Detail
      • Minuteman (2 sheets)-- SPI --- £25 (also check out the version by Limey Yank Games (NEW - February)
        Minuteman 1 Minuteman 2 Minuteman DetailL
      • Modern Battles II (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £54
      • Modern Battles II (no flags) (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £25
        MBII(NF) MBII(NF) 2 MBII(NF) Detail
      • Mukden 1905 (1/2 sheet) -- S&G --- £7.00
      • Napoleon at War (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £25
      • North Africa Quad (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £25
        NA Quad 1 NA Quad 2 MNA Quad Detail
      • Objective Moscow (6 sheets) -- SPI --- £75
        OM 1  OM 2  OM 3  OM 4  OM 5  OM 6  OM Dtl
      • October War -- SPI --- £12.50
        OW OW Dtl
      • Ogre -- SJG --- £12.50
        Ogre Ogre Dtl
      • Panzer '44 (3 sheets) -- SPI --- £37.50
        Pz44 1 Pz44 2 Pz44 3 Pz44 Detail
      • Panzergruppe Guderian --SPI/AHGC --- £12.50  
        PGG PGG Dtl
      • PRESTAGS Master Pack (4 sheets) -- SPI --- £50 (though double-sided, the reverse of most counters are blank).
        Prestags1 Prestags 3 Prestags 2 Prestags 4 Prestags Detail
      • Russian Campaign, The -- AHGC --- £12.50  
        TRC.jpg TRCDtl.jpg
      • Sauron -- SPI --- £7.00  
        SauronKen SauronKen Dtl
      • Seelowe -- SPI -- £12.50  
        Seelowe Seelowe Dtl
      • Shockwave (Ogre/GEV) -- SJG -- £12.50
        Shockwave Shockwave Dtl
      • Starship Troopers (2 sheets) -- AHGC -- £25
      • Tannenberg -- SPI --- £12.50
        Tannenberg Tannenberg Dtl
      • Tannenberg - Test Series Game (1969) -- SPI --- £12.50
      • To the Green Fields Beyond (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £25
      • Thirty Years War (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £25
        MTYW 1 TYW 2 TYW Detail
      • Turning Point: The Battle of Stalingrad (1 sheets) -- SPI --- £12.50 
        Turning Point Turning Point Dtl
      • Veracruz -- SPI --- £12.50  
        Vera Cruz Vera Cruz Dtl
      • War in Europe (6 sheets) -- SPI --- £75 (NOTE: the SPI original had three identical sets of the couners so, for a complete set, 3 copies (18 sheets) will be required.
        WIE 1 WIE 2 WIE 3 WIE WIE 5 WIE 6 WIE Detail
      • War in the Ice (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £25
        WitI 1 WitI 2 WitI Detail
      • War of the Ring (2 sheets) -- SPI -- £25
        WotR 1 WotR 2 WotR Detail
      • Warsaw Pact (1 sheet) --TFG -- £12.50
        Warsaw Pact Warsaw Pact Detail
      • West Wall (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £25
        West Wall 1 West Wall 2 West Wall Detail


5/8" (some with 1/2" Markers)
  • PanzerBlitz (3 sheets) -- AHGC ---£37.50 (Note: Though double sided, the reverse is blank)
  • Panzer Leader (4 sheets) -- AHGC ---£50 (Note: Though double sided, the reverse is blank) 
  • Russian Civil War (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £25
  • Fall of Tobruk (2 sheets) -- CG --- £25
Mixed Sizes
  • Alexander the Great (inc. Hydaspes variant) -- AHGC --- £12.50
    Alexander Alexander Pact Detail

Single Sided


      • 1812  (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £21
      • American Civil War -- SPI --- £10.50  
        ACW ACW Detail
      • Armageddon (1.5 sheets) -- SPI --- £16.50 
        Arm 1 Arm 2 Arm Detail
      • Barbarossa -- SPI --- £10.50  
        Barbarossa Barbarossa Detail
      • Battle of Moscow, The -- SPI --- £10.50
        BoM BoM Detail
      • Centurion (2 sheets) - SPI --- £21 
        Centurion 1 Centurion 2 Centurion Detail
      • Caesar at Alesia (2 sheets)- AHGC --- £21
        CaA1 CaA2 CaA Detail
      • Chinese Civil War - 3W --- £10.50
      • Combined Arms (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £21
        CA1 CA2 CA Detail
      • Dark Ages (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £21
        DA1 DA2 DA Detail
      • D-Day -- AHGC --- £10.50
        D-Day D-Day Detail
      • Desert War (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £21
        DW1 DW2 DW Detail
      • Dixie -- SPI --- £11.50
        Dixie Dixie Detail
      • Dixie Variants -- SPI --- £11.50
        Dixie variant Dixie Variant Detail
      • Guns of August, The (4 sheets) -- AHGC --- £42
      • Kamfpanzer -- SPI --- £11.50
        KPzr KPzr Detail
      • Leipzig -- SPI --- £11.50
        Leipzig Leipzig Detail
      • Modern Battles (icons) (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £21
      • Modern Battles (icons, no flags) (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £21
      • Modern Battles (NATO) (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £21
      • Modern Battles (NATO, no flags) (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £21
        MBNatoNF1 MBNatoNF1Dtl MBNatoNF2 MBNatoNF2Dtl
      • Moscow Campaign, The (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £21
        MC 1 MC 2 MC Dtl
      • Musket & Pike (2 sheets) -- SPI ---£21
        M&P 1 M&P 2 M&P Dtl
      • Napoleon at War (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £21 
        Nap at War1 NatW2 Nap at War Dtl
      • NATO (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £21
        NATO 1  NATO 2  NATO Dtl
      • Oil War (inc. Variants) -- SPI --- £10.50
        Oil War  Oil War Dtl
      • Phalanx (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £21
        Phalanx 1<br />
  Phalanx 2  Phalanx Dtl
      • Renaissance of Infantry (2 sheets) -- SPI --- £21
        Ren of Inf 1  Ren of Inf 2  Ren of Inf Dtl
      • Sinai - -SPI --- £10.50
        Sinai Sinai Detail
      • Stalingrad (1/2 sheet) -- AHGC --- £6.00
        Stalingrad Stalingrad Detail
      • StarForce Alpha Centauri -- SPI --- £10.50   
      • Starship Trooper Variant (1/2 sheet) -- General v13/6 --- £6.75
        Starship Trooper Var SST Detail
      • Strategy I (8 sheets) -- SPI --- £84
        StratI1 StratI2 StratI5 StratI6 StratI11 StratI12 StratI7 StratI8 Srat I Detail
      • Strategy I (16 sheets) -- SPI --- £168
        StratI1 StratI2 StratI3 StratI4 StratI5 StratI6 StratI7 StratI8 StratI9 StratI10 StratI11 StratI12 StratI13 StratI14 StratI15 StratI16 Srat I Detail
      • Tactics II (2 sheets) -- AHGC -- £21
      • The East is Red -- SPI -- £10.50
      • World War II (2 Sheets) -- SPI --- £21
      • World War 3 (4 sheets) -- SPI --- £42 
        WW3 1 WW3 2 WW3 3 WW3 4 WW3 Detail
  • Bar Lev (3 Sheets) -- CG --- £31.50
    BL1 BL2 BL3 BLDtl
  • Dawn of the Dead -- SPI --- £6.50
    DotD DotD Detail
  • Kasserine Pass -- CG --- £7.00
  • NORAD -- SDC -- £10.50 (NEW - March)
  • Ogre (5 1/2 Sheets) -- SJG --- £58.50
  • Origins of World War 2 (4 sheets) -- AHGC --- £42
  • Russo-Japanese War, The -- SPI -- £10.50
  • Strike Force One (1/2 sheet) -- SPI -- £6
  • Verdun (2 sheets) -- CG --- £21
IMPORTANT: We have the full range of Kerry's counters - many more than listed above. We'll be adding a few each month but, if you don't yet see what you're looking for, please ask - we can probably move it up the queue.

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Counters by Stephen Oliver

To Order
If you're interested in making a purchase, then drop me a line at andy.r.loakes@gmail.com and I can confirm price including postage.
      • Leipzig - Test Series Game (1969) -- Poulton Press --- £12.50
      • Tactical Game 3 - Test Series Game (1969)-- Poulton Press --- £10.50
      • Tannenberg - Test Series Game (1969) -- Poulton Press --- £12.50
        Tannenberg SO Tannenberg SO Detail

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Counters by Loris Pagnotta

Please Note
A number of Loris's counters benefit from his updated versions of the rules/maps (he has tweaked some to reflect his counter layout). His rules (and some maps) are available in the Resources section of this site.
To Order
If you're interested in making a purchase, then drop me a line at andy.r.loakes@gmail.com and I can confirm price including postage.
      • 1918 1/2"  (1.5 sheets - single-sided) -- TBA --- £16.50  
      • Battle of Moscow, The 1/2" (1 sheet - single-sided) -- SPI --- £10.50
        BoMLP BoM Detail 
      • Borodino 1/2" (1/2 sheet - single-sided)-- SPI --- £7
      • Caesar at Alesia 1/2" (2 sheeta - single sided) --TAHGC --- £21
      • Guns of August, The 1/2" (4 single-sided sheets; 1 double-sided sheet) -- TAHGC -- £54
        GoA 1 GoA 2 GoA 3 GoA 4 GoA 5 GoA Detail
      • Musket & Pike 1/2" (1.5 single-sided sheets; 1/2 sheet double-sided. -- SPI --- £23.00
      • Musket & Pike Map (printed) -- visit the Map Showroom for prices. 
        M&Pr Map 
      • PRESTAGS 1/2"(4.5 single-sided; 1/2 sheet double-sided) -- SPI --- £64.50  
      • Red Sun Rising 1/2" and 1"x1/2" (2.5 sheets; 1/2 sheet single-sided) -- SPI --- £31
        RSR Land RSR Half RSR RSR Dtl1 RSR Naval Detail
      • Renaissance of Infantry 1/2" (1.5 sheets; 1/2 sheet double-sided) -- SPI --- £18.50
        RoI 1 RoI 2 RoI Detail
      • Renaissance of Infantry Map (printed) -- visit the Map Showroom for prices. 
        RoI Map 
      • Rifle & Sabre 1/2" (1 sheet single-sided; 1 sheet double-sided) -- SPI --- £23
        RS1  RS2  RSDtl 
      • Rossyia 1917 1/2" (4.5 sheet single-sided; 1/2 sheet double-sided) -- AWE --- £56 
      • Russian Front 1/2" (2 sheet single-sided; 1 sheet double-sided) -- AWE --- £33.50 
      • Third Reich, Rise and Decline of the (2nd - 4th Edition) 1/2" (1.5 sheet single-sided; 2 sheet double-sided) -- TAHGC --- £41.50
        Third Reich 1 Third Reich 2 Third Reich 4 Third Reich 3 Third Reich Detail
      • World War 1 1/2" (1/2 sheet single-sided) -- SPI --- £6.50 

Back to Top

Counters by Chris Perleberg

To Order
If you're interested in making a purchase, then drop me a line at andy.r.loakes@gmail.com and I can confirm price including postage.
Special Note on 'Fleet' Counters
Due to the boxes and lines on the images, any misalignment tends to be exagerated. This is particularly problematic on the reverse of the counters. Therefore, whilst I'll guarantee that all 'information' will be well within the counters' bounds, some possible misalignment must be accepted by the customer.
      • 6th Fleet 5/8"  (3 sheets - double-sided) -- VG Fleet variant --- £37.50
        6th 1 6th 2 6th 3 6th Detail
      • African Fleet 5/8"  (1 sheet - double-sided) -- VG Fleet variant --- £12.50
        African African Detail
      • Algerian Flee t(Formerly Area Around Fleet)  5/8"  (1 sheet - double-sided) -- VG Fleet variant --- £12.50 
        Area Around Area Around Detail
      • Anatolian Fleet 5/8"  (3 sheets - double-sided) -- VG Fleet variant --- £37.50 
        Anatolian 1 Anatolian 2 Anatolian 3 Anatolian Detail
      • Arabistan Fleet 5/8"  (2 sheets - double-sided) -- VG Fleet variant --- £25.00Arabistan Arabistan Detail
      • Asean Fleet 5/8"  (3 sheets - double-sided) -- VG Fleet variant --- £37.50
        Asean 1 Asean 2 Asean 3 Asean Detail
      • Atomic Fleet 5/8"  (2 sheets - double-sided) -- VG Fleet variant --- £25
        Atomic 1 Atomic 2 Atomic Detail
      • Asian Fleet 5/8"  (6 sheets - double-sided) -- VG Fleet variant --- £75
        Asian 1 Asian 2 Asian 3 Asean 4 Asean 5 Asean 6 Asean Detail
      • Caspian Fleet 5/8"  (1 sheet - double-sided) -- VG Fleet variant --- £12.50
        Caspian Caspian Detail
      • Desert Fox 1/2"  (1.5 sheets - double-sided) -- SPI --- £20.00 ---Includes counters for The Fox Killed variant; rules are from MOVES 58 and can be found here: https://www.spigames.net/ Look in the variants section under Desert Fox.
        DF2 DFM  DF2 Detail
      • Desert War Expansion* 1/2"  (1 sheet -single sided, 1 sheet (markers) - double-sided) -- SPI --- £23 ---- also available without markers
        Desert War Exp   Pzr Mkr  DWP Exp Detail 
      • Fleet Markers 1/2"  (1 sheet - double-sided) -- VG Fleet variant --- £12.50
        Fleet Markers Fleet Marker Detail
      • Iron Lady's Fleet 5/8"  (1 sheet - double-sided) -- VG Fleet variant --- £12.50
        Iron Lady Iron Lady Detail
      • Kamfpanzer Expansion* 1/2"  (1 sheet - single sided, 1 sheet (markers) - double-sided) -- SPI --- £23
        KPzr Exp KPzr Mkr KPzr Detail
      • Panzer '44 Expansion* 1/2"  (2 sheets-single sided, 1 sheet (markers) - double-sided) -- SPI --- £35.50 ---- also available without markers
        Pzr Ger  Pzr Sov  Pzr Mkr Pzr Detail
      • Pirate Fleet 5/8"  (1 sheet - double-sided) -- VG Fleet variant --- £12.50
        Pirate Pirate Detail
      • Thirty Years War Quad PLUS Freiburg & White Mountain 1/2"  (3 sheets - double-sided) -- SPI --- £40.50 (Note: The third sheet is not shown below and provides counters for Freiburg and White Mountain) 
        30YW1  30YW2  30YWQ Detail
      • Trail of the Fox 1/2"  (1.5 sheets - double-sided) -- SPI/TSR --- £20 --- Includes divison stacking markers, different coloured trucks, supply dumps, etc.
* Explanations of Chris's expansions for Desert War, Kamfpanzer and Panzer '44 can be found  here.

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Counters by Karoly Szigetvari &/or Francisco Colmenares

To Order
If you're interested in making a purchase, then drop me a line at andy.r.loakes@gmail.com and I can confirm price including postage.
      • Albion  (2 sheets - double-sided) -- SPI --- £25
        Albion 1 Albion 2 Albion Detail
      • Freedom in the Galaxy - REMASTERED (2 sheets - double-sided) -- Avalon Hill --- £25. Click Here for description.
      • Freedom in the Galaxy - ENHANCED (2 sheets - double-sided) -- Avalon Hill --- £25 Click Here for description. 
        FitG 1 FitG 2 FitG Detail

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Counters by John Edwards

To Order
If you're interested in making a purchase, then drop me a line at andy.r.loakes@gmail.com and I can confirm price including postage.
    • Campaign for North Africa, The (9 sheets - 8 single-sided & 1 double-sided) -- SPI --- £96.50 
      CNA 1  CNA 2  CNA 3   CNA 4  CNA 5  CNA 6   CNA 7  CNA 8  CNA 9  CNA Detail
      Incorporates known counter errata.
    • Campaign for North Africa, The - ERRATA sheet (1/4 sheet single-sided)  -- SPI --- £6
      CNA Errata 
      These counters correct the known counter errata and are intended for those owning an original copy of the game. Caveat Emptor: Whilst we have attempted to avoid it, there may be colour differences between these counters and the originals. Here's feedback from one customer:

      "Your Axis counters are a little more orange than the originals. The originals are more yellow. Your British counters are a lighter red, where the originals are a deeper red. Perfectly acceptable, though. The typeface is right on".

    • Dreadnought (2 sheets - single-sided) -- SPI --- £21.00 (NEW - February)
      Drd 1  Drd 2  Drd Dtl 3
      I've taken the liberty of adjusting the couple of the shades on John's counters to improve the contrast with the textI've also added in excess of 50 'additional' counters which refect the Range Allowance corrections suggested in Moves #23 along with some corrected Fire Power values.

      Also see the Dreadnought Smoke Markers offered by Limey Yank Games above.

    • Island War Quad  (2 sheets - single-sided) -- SPI --- £21.00 

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Counters by Greg Niswonger

To Order
If you're interested in making a purchase, then drop me a line at andy.r.loakes@gmail.com and I can confirm price including postage.

Double Sided

    • MechWar 5, Suez to Golan (MechWar 2 variant) (3 sheets - double-sided) -- SPI/AH variant --- £37.50 
        CAIW 1  AIW 2  AIW 3   AIW Detail

      This MechWar 2 (SPI) variant, from Greg Niswonger, allows the play of scenarios from Avalon Hill’s The Arab Israeli Wars. 

      To play the game you'll need the counters above, the maps from AH's Arab Israeli Wars, the aforementioned scenarios and Greg's  rules and charts. The latter can be found here: http://talk.consimworld.com/WebX?14@@.ee6e2cb/1712 and in the Resources Page of LYG

Double Sided


  • Panzer Command (4 sheets - double-sided) -- Updated Victory Games with variant --- £50  
    PC 1 PC 2 PC 3 PC 4 PC Detail


Back to Top

Counters by Byron Henderson

To Order
If you're interested in making a purchase, then drop me a line at andy.r.loakes@gmail.com and I can confirm price including postage.

Double Sided


  • Federation Space - Original (4 sheets - double-sided) -- Task Force Games --- £50 
    FSO1 FSO2 FSO3 FSO4 FSO Detail
  • Federation Space - Additional Systems & Fleets (1 sheet - double-sided) -- Task Force Games --- £12.50 
    SysFlt SysFltDtl
  • Federation Space - Federation variant (1 sheet - double-sided) -- Task Force Games --- £12.50  
    Fed FedDtl
  • Federation Space - Klingons variant (1 sheet - double-sided) -- Task Force Games --- £12.50 
    Kling KlingDtl
  • Federation Space - Romulan variant (1 sheet - double-sided) -- Task Force Games --- £12.50
    Rom RomDtl
  • Federation Space - Gorns/Tholians/Orions variant (1 sheet - double-sided) -- Task Force Games --- £12.50 
    GoThoOr GoThoOrDtl
  • Federation Space - Kzinti/Hydrans variant (1 sheet - double-sided) -- Task Force Games --- £12.50 
    GKyzHyd GKyzHydDtll
  • Federation Space - Lyrans/ISC variant (1 sheet - double-sided) -- Task Force Games --- £12.50  
    LyransISC.d LyransISCDtl
  • Federation Space - Talarians/Tzenkethi/LDR variant (1 sheet - double-sided) -- Task Force Games --- £12.50
    TalTzeLDR TalTzeLDRDtl
  • Federation Space - Lyran Space 2.0 - Cardassians variant (1 sheet - double-sided) -- Task Force Games --- £12.50 
    Cardas CardasDtl
  • Federation Space - Base Stations/Juggernauts/Planets variant (1 sheet - double-sided) -- Task Force Games --- £12.50 
    Bjp  BJPDtl
  • Federation Space - Additional fighters (1/2 sheet - double-sided) -- Task Force Games --- £7.00  
    AddFtr  AddFtr  

Counters by Mark Simonitch

To Order
If you're interested in making a purchase, then drop me a line at andy.r.loakes@gmail.com and I can confirm price including postage.

Double Sided


  • The Pocket at Falaise - (1 1/2 sheets - double-sided) -- Against the Odds --- £19.50
    Fal 1  Fal 2  Fal Detail
Manufactured with permission of Against the Odds Magazine. Not a complete game. You must own a copy of ATO’s The Pocket at Falaise to use these counters.

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Counters by John Cooper

John's counters are unusual in that he'll take a game (typically Avalon Hill) and create counters for it in a variety of styles (including SPI). If there are no images shown for a game you're interested, feel free to email and request an image.

To see John's maps, visit the Map Showroom.

To Order
If you're interested in making a purchase, then drop me a line at andy.r.loakes@gmail.com and I can confirm price including postage.

Double Sided


    • Afrika Korps - 3 styles available - (half sheet, double-sided) -- AHGC --- £7.50
      Style 2 below
      AK 2  AK2 Detail
      Style 3 below
      AK3  AK3 Detail
    • Blitzkrieg - (8 sheets, double-sided) -- AHGC --- £100.00 
      Bz1 Bz2 Bz3 Bz4 Bz5 Bz6 Bz7 Bz8 BzDtl
    • Bulge - 2 styles available - (1 sheet, double-sided) -- AHGC --- £12.50 
      Style 2 below
      Bulge  Bulge Detail
    • Chancellorsville - 3 styles available - (1 sheet - double-sided) -- AHGC --- £12.50
      Style 0 below
      Chs0   Chs0 Detail
      Style 1 below
      Chs1   Chs0 Detail
      Style 2 below
      Chs2   Chs0 Detail
    • D-Day - 2 styles available - (1 sheet, double-sided) -- AHGC --- £12.50
      Style 2 below
      D-Day  D-Day Detail
    • Guadalcanal - 3 styles available - (half sheet, double-sided) -- AHGC --- £7.50  
      Style 2 below
      Style 3 below
  • Hundred Days Battles - AHGC - (1 sheet - double-sided) -- AHGC --- £12.50 
  • Stalingrad - 3 styles available - (1 sheet, single-sided) -- AHGC --- £10.50  
    Style 2 below
    Style 3 below
  • Third Reich, Rise and Decline of - AHGC - (3 sheets - double-sided) -- AHGC --- £37.50
    3R1 3R2 3R3 3R Detail
  • Waterloo - 4 styles available - (1 sheet - double-sided) -- AHGC --- £12.50
    Style 2 below
    Ws2   DWs2 Detail
    Style 2b below
    Wsb2    DWsb2 Detail

Single Sided


  • Strategy I - (20 sheets, single-sided) -- AHGC --- £210.00
    These include 24 5/8" bonus phalanx units in each colour/shade.They are availablewith or without ID numbers, and othe colours/shades are available on request. A 'play aid' showing the unit types by era is available from the LYG Resources page (here: https://limeyyankgames.co.uk/node/4179 ).
    S1B1  S1B2  S1B3  S1B4  S1B5  S1B6  S1B7  S1B8  S1B9  S1B10  S1B11  S1B12  S1B13  S1B14  S1B15  S1B16  S1B17  S1B18  S1B19  S1B20  S1-Dtl 

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Counters by Curtis Baer

Curtis has provided a set of markers to assist with combat resolution in GMT's Twilight in the East. Here's what he says about them:

"I developed these after many hours of face to face play.  I found they reduced the time to resolve a combat to about a third of time it was taking us at first.

The use of these markers is simple and becomes intuitive with continued use. Just follow the process on the CRT from top to bottom, using the appropriate markers as reminders that the results of one section of the CRT above can have effect to other sections below.

The beauty of these markers is that, when resolving say, an EC (Effectiveness Check) at the bottom of the chart you do not forget modifiers from above.  I have witnessed many times players in this situation players redoing the entire combat process all over again, sometime multiple times. 


This is main reason, in my opion that players have found combat resolution tedious for 1914 TitE."


Each sheet contains one set of markers per side and a spare set.

  • Twilight in the East Combat Resolution Markers - (1/4 sheet - double-sided) -- GMT --- £5.00 



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